Sustainable Agriculture & Carbon Farming

Unleash the potential of sustainable farming with Triangle.  Triangle empowers farmers, agribusiness supply chain, and consumer product companies  with an innovative platform to enhance the profitability and sustainability of the agriculture industry.  

See our Indication Board

Today’s Carbon Farming Reality

Revenue Optimization Opportunities:

  •   Optimize Profitability: Adopting sustainable practices can reduce borrowing costs. Receive better pricing for your crop from customers downstream by providing sustainably produced crops
  • Insets & Carbon Credit Minting:   Create Carbon Credits or Insets by adopting sustainable practices that improve soil health, increases yield and minimizes water contamination, 
  • Avoid Higher Insurance Costs: Triangle sees a two tiers system in the future - those that provide compliance vs. those that don’t reflect a higher reporting risk.
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Reporting Obligations

Featured in GBBC Annual Report for Work in Agriculture 

Based on work with UM, Limno Tech, with funding from the GLPF and FFAR, Triangle was featured by the UNFCCC/BIS, UAE Central Bank, EIF, and by GBBC.  Click to see the reports:

Ag Finance & Farm Credit Underwriting

Ag/Farming Carbon Credit MAAS (Minting as a Service)

Manage and Mint Assets at Scale

With assets from the field, customer can mint carbon credits and RECs, and hold these in custody at the bank  and can be sold in the market or held for price appreciation.

Custody: Triangle mints RECs and Carbon Credits for our customers so they can custody them and use them for compliance.

Indication Board:  Once assets are minted, they can be posted on Triangle’s indication board to sell.  Buyers can purchase carbon credits/RECs through our the platform for their compliance needs.