A marketplace for climate & infrastructure projects.

The Triangle Marketplace is a digital security issuance platform that connects issuers and investors to allow for easy and transparent access to climate and infrastructure projects.  

Solutions for investors →Solutions for issuers →Climate Solution Providers →
iMac mockup of the BCT platform deal tracker screen

Triangle provides investors with direct and unfettered access to over $4T in climate finance opportunities.

By reducing the barrier of entry for climate and infrastructure projects, Triangle aims to accelerate the transition to a zero-emission and climate resilient global economy.

Untapped & illiquid assets
cost To transition to a climate-resilient economy
Of esg infrastructure projects are sub-scale
target Reduction in cost of capital by using our platform

Our marketplace is supported by an expansive global partner and investor network.

TRI partners investor network
institutional clients accessed through TRI broker dealer network
TRI family office network
countries that TRI operates in & connects to (bermuda, US, CA, UK)

The Triangle marketplace supports multiple deal types.

Climate & infrastructure



Solutions for


Blockchain Triangle allows for the democratization of investor access to over $4T of climate and infrastructure projects.  Investors, whether retail, accredited or institutional, can access climate and infrastructure initiatives and see economic output for their investments in real-time over the entire life of an asset.

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Solutions for


Governments, asset developers and communities are looking for ways to fund climate and infrastructure initiatives. Blockchain Triangle's technology reflects real-time economic value for climate and infrastructure assets - all while lowering cost of capital, operating costs, improving administrative efficiency and increasing liquidity.

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solutions for

Digital Twinning

Whether you’re a large asset manager, retail investor, issuer, or citizen, you want to know how existing and new assets are performing in regards to cash flow and ESG. We provide that insight.

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